AE / Volumes Asian Ethnology 77
This volume contains 56 articles.
Editors' Note Benjamin Dorman & Frank J. Korom
Digital Guru: Embodiment, Technology, and the Transmission of Traditional Knowledge in Kerala Finnian M. M. Gerety
Contested Utopias: Civilization and Leisure in the Meiji Era W. Puck Brecher
Trance Mediumship Takes the Stage: Reenactment and Heritagization of the Sacred in Urban Hà Nội Gertrud Hüwelmeier
The Phenomenology of Supernatural Belief: The Ravenous Spirit (phii pob) Belief Tradition in Contemporary Northeast Thailand Kanya Wattanagun
“My Beautiful Face, the Enemy of Dharma Practice”: Variations in the Textual History of Nangsa Ohbum Kati Fitzgerald
Pregnant Males, Barren Mothers, and Religious Transvestism: Transcending Gender in the Songs and Practices of “Heterodox” Bengali Lineages Carola Erika Lorea
The Hunt for a Location: Narratives on the Foundation of Cities in South and Southeast Asia Pushkar Sohoni
Local Agricultural Knowledge as Time Manipulation: Paddy Field Farmers after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 Hiroki Takakura
Paying for Salvation: The Ritual of “Repaying the Loan for Life” and Telling Scriptures in Changshu, China Rostislav Berezkin
Rethinking the “Magic State” in China: Political Imagination and Magical Practice in Rural Beijing Xing Wang
A Tibetan Catholic Christmas in China: Ethnic Identity and Encounters with Ritual and Revitalization Brendan A. Galipeau
From “Fǭn ngīeo” to “Selemao”: The Transformation of a Tai Yai Folk Melody Jarun Kanchanapradit
Gurukulam (Jillian Elizabeth & Neil Dalal, Directors) Steven E. Lindquist (Southern Methodist University)
Buddhism, the Internet, and Digital Media: The Pixel in the Lotus (Gregory Price Grieve and Daniel Veidlinger, eds.) Erica Baffelli (University of Manchester)
The Lisu: Far from the Ruler (Michele Zack) Mark Bender (The Ohio State University )
Figures in Buddhist Modernity in Asia (Jeffrey Samuels, Justin Thomas McDaniel, and Mark Michael Rowe, eds.) Michele Ruth Gamburd
UNESCO on the Ground: Local Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage (Michael Dylan Foster and Lisa Gilman) Gisa Jähnichen
Jesus in Asia (R. S. Sugirtharajah) Christie Chui-Shan Chow
Routledge Handbook of Religions in Asia (Bryan S. Turner and Oscar Salemink, eds.) Alexandra Kaloyanides
Culture and Value: Tourism, Heritage, and Property (Regina F. Bendix) Timothy Tangherlini
Western Han: A Yangzhou Storyteller’s Script (Vibeke Børdahl and Liangyan Ge, eds., and trs., with editorial assistance by Wang Yalong) David L. Rolston
Contesting the Yellow Dragon: Ethnicity, Religion, and the State in the Sino-Tibetan Borderland (Xiaofei Kang and Donald S. Sutton) Timothy Thurston
Transpacific Attachments: Sex Work, Media Networks, and Affective Histories of Chineseness (Lily Wong) Tiantian Zheng
Reviews/Books/Central Asia
Doctoring Traditions: Ayurveda, Small Technologies, and Braided Sciences (Projit Bihari Mukharji) Frederick M. Smith (University of Iowa)
Pentecostals, Proselytization and Anti-Christian Violence in India (Chad M. Bauman) Daniel A. Métraux
Reel World: An Anthropology of Creation (Anand Pandian) Lakshmi Srinivas
Religion, Heritage and the Sustainable City: Hinduism and Urbanization in Jaipur (Yamini Narayanan) Ian Wilson
Animal Intimacies: Interspecies Relatedness in India’s Central Himalayas (Radhika Govindrajan) Anabelle Suitor
Seven Demon Stories from Medieval Japan (Noriko T. Reider) Michael R. Bathgate
Transnational Faiths: Latin-American Immigrants and their Religions in Japan (Hugo Córdova Quero and Rafael Shoji, eds.) Daniel A. Métraux
The Impact of Internationalization on Japanese Higher Education: Is Japanese Education Really Changing? (John Mock, Hiroaki Kawamura and Naeko Naganuma, eds.) Michelle Henault Morrone
Reviews/Books/Inner Asia
Reviews/Books/South Asia
Ritual Innovation: Strategic Interventions in South Asian Religion (Brian K. Pennington and Amy L. Allocco, eds.) Axel Michaels
Making New Nepal: From Student Activism to Mainstream Politics (Amanda Thérèse Snellinger) Avash Bhandari
Buddhism, Politics, and the Limits of Law: The Pyrrhic Constitutionalism of Sri Lanka (Benjamin Schonthal) Tyler A. Lehrer
Reviews/Books/Southeast Asia
The Immortals: Faces of the Incredible in Buddhist Burma (Guillaume Rozenberg, translated by Ward Keeler) Hiroko Kawanami
Malaysia’s “Original People”: Past, Present, and Future of the Orang Asli (Kirk Endicott, ed.) Nathan Porath
Reviews/Books/South Korea
The Spread of the Korean Language: Through the Korean Diaspora and Beyond (Clare You and Yangwon Ha, eds.) Sang-Seok Yoon