Asian Ethnology (ISSN 1882–6865) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal registered as an Open Access Journal and has been fuily open access, inclduing all archive material, since 2008.
Asian Ethnology is dedicated to the promotion of scholarly research on the peoples and cultures of Asia. It began in China as Folklore Studies in 1942 and later moved to Japan where its name was changed to Asian Folklore Studies. It is edited and published at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan. Click here details on the journal's policie.
Asian Ethnology seeks to deepen understanding and further the pursuit of knowledge about the peoples and cultures of Asia. We wish to facilitate intellectual exchange between Asia and the rest of the world, and particularly welcome submissions from scholars based in Asia. The journal presents formal essays and analyses, research reports, and critical book reviews relating to a wide range of topical categories, including:
- narratives, performances, and other forms of cultural representation
- popular religious conceptsvernacular approaches to health and healing
- local ecological/environmental knowledge
- collective memory and uses of the past
- cultural transformations in diaspora
- transnational flows
- material culture
- museology
- visual culture
- Benjamin Dorman, Nanzan University benjamindorman[at mark]asianethnology) (check spam mail for response and whitelist this address if necessary)
- Frank J. Korom, School for Advanced Research (korom[at mark]boston.edu)
Managing Editor
- Benjamin Dorman, Nanzan University
Associate Editor
- Harmony DenRonden, Nanzan University
Book and Film Reviews Editor
- Paul Capobianco, Nanzan University
Editorial Assistants
- Michiko Miyake, Nanzan University
Editorial Board
- Mark Bender, The Ohio State University
- Clark Chilson, University of Pittsburgh
- Thomas David DuBois, Beijing Normal University
- R. Michael Feener, Kyoto University
- Clare Harris, University of Oxford
- Keith Howard, SOAS, University of London
- Charlene E. Makley, Reed College
- Anne E. McLaren, University of Melbourne
- Oona Paredes, UCLA
- Frank Proschan, Independent Scholar
- Michael Puett, Harvard University
- William S. Sax, Heidelberg University
- Guha Shankar, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
- Juliane Schober, Arizona State University
- Kai Shmushko, University of Amsterdam
- Nicholas Thomas, University of Cambridge
- Christine Yano, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
More contact details can be found here.