
Postal Address 
Asian Ethnology
Anthropological Institute, Nanzan University
18 Yamazato-chō, Shōwa-ku
Nagoya 466-8673, Japan 
Telephone Inside Japan: 052-832-3111
International: (81) 52-832-3111 
Fax Inside Japan: 052-833-6157
International: (81) 52-833-6157 

Asian Ethnology Office (do not send submissions to this address)
ae-office[at mark]

For submissions, contact the co-editors directly. However, due to a high volume of submissions, we are temporarily pausing new submissions until July 31, 2025. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your continued interest in Asian Ethnology.

Benjamin Dorman (Co-editor)
benjamindorman[at mark]
 Frank J. Korom (Co-editor)
korom[at mark]