AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 48 (1)
This volume contains 25 articles.
Folklore and Folklife of Thailand: Foreword Anderson, Wanni Wibulswasdi
Different Family Roles, Different Interpretations of Thai Folktales Thitathan, Siraporn
The Jataka Stories and Laopuan: Worldview Wongthet, Pranee
Relevance of the Textual and Contextual Analyses in Understanding Folk Performance in Modern Society: A Case of Southern Thai Shadow Puppet Theatre Koanantakool, Paritta Chalermpow
Hmong Religion Tapp, Nicholas
Mental Template: The Case of the Tai Lao *Pha Sin* Suchitta, Pornchai
Cultures and Sports Preference Nakornkhet, Kasem
The Calendar of Village Festivals: Japan Mayer, Fanny Hagin
Review of: D. L. Ashliman, *A Guide to Folktales in the English Language: Based on the Aarne-Thompson Classification System* Metevelis, Peter
Review of: John Miles Foley, *The Theory of Oral Composition* Heisig, James W.
Review of: John Miles Foley, *Comparative Research on Oral Traditions: A Memorial for Milman Parry* Hansen, Wm. F.
Review of: Janice R. MacKinnon and Stephen R. MacKinnon, *Agnes Smedley* Hsu Ting Lee-hsia
Review of: Thonevath Pou, Wolfgang Ulland, and Guechse Yim, *Kambodschanische Kultur*, No. 2, 1988 Knecht, Peter
Review of: Penelope Graham, *Iban Shamanism* Atkinson, Jane M.
Review of: Wanni Wibulswasdi Anderson, *Phun Thin-Phun Than: Miti Mai Khong Katichonwittaya Lae Withi Chiwit Saman Khong Phun Ban-Phun Muang* Thitathan, Siraporn
Review of: Daniel Dubuisson, *La légende royale dans l'Inde ancienne, Rāma et le Rāmāyana* Peterson, Indira Viswanathan
Review of: Charlotte Vaudeville, *Bārahmāsā in Indian Literatures* Richman, Paula S.
Review of: Sekundar Amanolahi and W. M. Thackston, *Tales from Luristan (Matalyā Lurissu)* Wilks, Judith M.
Review of: Gail Kligman, *The Wedding of the Dead* Knecht, Peter