AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 49 (2)
This volume contains 32 articles.
A Turkish Lullaby Macfie, A. L. and F. Macfie
New Material on East Mongolian Shamanism Heissig, Walther
*Malang*, Sufis, and Mystics: An Ethnographic and Historical Study of Shamanism in Afghanistan Sidky, M. H.
Changing Patterns of Architecture and Symbolism among the Sa'dan Toraja (Indonesia) Domenig, Gaudenz
Review of: Garry Chick, Play and Culture. Anderson, Wanni Wibulswasdi
Review of: Carl Lindahl, *Earnest Games: Folkloric Patterns in the Canterbury Tales* Seland, John J.
Review of: Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt, *American Folklore Scholarship: A Dialogue of Dissent* Clements, William M.
Review of: H. Byron Earhart, *Gedatsu-kai and Religion in Contemporary Japan: Returning to the Center* Reader, Ian
Review of: Walter Edwards, *Modern Japan through its Weddings* Neuss-Kaneko, Margret
Review of: Can Xue, *Dialogues in Paradise* Bauer, Daniel J.
Review of: Zhao Zongfu 趙宗福, Huaer tonglun 『花?通論』; Zhou Juangu 周娟姑 and Zhang Gengyou 張更有, *Qinghai chuantong minjian gegu jingxuan* 『青海伝統民間歌曲精選』 Feng, Lide and Kevin Stuart
Review of: Friedrich Seltmann, *Die Kalang: Eine Volksgruppe von Java und ihre Stamm-Mythe* Schweizer, Thomas
Review of: Walter O. Kaelber, Tapta-Marga: *Asceticism and Initiation in Vedic India* Veliath, Cyril
Review of: Indira Viswanathan Peterson, *Poems to Śiva: The Hymns of the Tamil Saints* Tsuchida, Christina
Review of: Traude Pillai-Vetschera, *Indische Märchen: Der Prinz aus der Mangofrucht* Fuchs, Stephen
Review of: Arvind Sharma, Ajit Ray, Alaka Hejib, and Katherine K. Young, Sati: *Historical and Phenomenological Essays* Chowdhry, Prem
Review of: Kamil V. Zvelebil, *Two Tamil Folktales: The Story of King Matanakāma, The Story of the Peacock Rāvana* Peterson, Indira Viswanathan
Review of: Sherry B. Ortner, *High Religion: A Cultural and Political History of Sherpa Buddhism* Kano Katsuhiko
Review of: George Van Driem, *A Grammar of Limbu* Nishi Yoshiko