AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 50 (2)
This volume contains 27 articles.
Woman as Portrayed in Women's Folk Songs of North India Srivastava, I.
Proverbs as Psychological Interpretations among Vietnamese Nguyen Nguyen, Edward F. Foulks, and Kathleen Carlin
Obituary: Fanny Hagin Mayer (1899-1990) Immoos, Thomas
Review of: Kees P. Epskamp,* Theatre in Search of Social Change: The Relative Significance of Different Theatrical Approaches* Tan Sooi-Beng
Review of: Himeno Midori 姫野翠, *Geinō no jinruigaku* 『芸能の人類学』 Gillespie, John K.
Review of: Richard M. Swiderski, *Lives between Cultures: A Study of Human Nature, Identity and Culture* Knecht, Peter
Review of: Leea Virtanen, *"That Must Have Been ESP!" An Examination of Psychic Experiences* Zolla, Elémire
Review of: David Gordon White, *Myths of the Dog-Man* Mair, Victor H.
Review of: Heinz Morioka and Miyoko Sasaki, *Rakugo, the Popular Narrative Art of Japan* Yamamoto Fumiko and Akira Y. Yamamoto
Review of: Peter H. Lee, *A Korean Storyteller's Miscellany* Wilson, Brian A.
Review of: Robert Joe Cutter, *The Brush and the Spur: Chinese Culture and the Cockfight* Sōgawa Tsuneo
Review of: Ma Xueyi 馬学義 and Ma Chengjun 馬成俊, *Salazu fengsuzhi* 『撒拉族風俗誌』; Han Fude 轄福徳, *Salazu minjian gushi* 『撒拉族民間故事』; Han Fude 轄福徳, *Minjian geyao* 『民間歌謡』; Han Fude 轄福徳, *Minjian yanyu* 『民間諺語』 Feng, Lide and Kevin Stuart
Review of: Yukiko Bischof-Okubo, *Übernatürliche Wesen im Glauben der Altvölker Taiwans* Höllmann, Thomas O.
Review of: The Vietnamese Institute of Archaeology and the Department for International Cooperation of the Social Science Committee of Viet Nam, *Dong Son Drums in Viet Nam* Loofs-Wissowa, Helmut
Review of: Kristina Lindell, Jan-Öjvind Swahn, and Damrong Tayanin, *Folk Tales from Kammu-IV: A Master-Teller's Tales* Olson, Grant A.
Review of: Georges Condominas, *From Lawa to Mon, from Saa' to Thai* Lemoine, Jacques
Review of: Stefan Fuchs, *Das Leben ist ein Tanz* Pillai-Vetschera, Traude