AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 55 (1)
This volume contains 30 articles.
Legends by the Numbers: The Symbolism of Numbers in the *Secret History of the Mongols* Moses, Larry
“Suan the Guesser”: A Filipino Doctor Know-All (AT 1641) Retherford, Robert
Female Mountain Spirits in Korea: A Neglected Tradition Grayson, James Huntley
The Folklore of Geckos: Ethnographic Data from South and West Asia Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim
Review of: Ulrika Wolf- Knuts, *Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 1993; Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 1994* Dégh, Linda
Review of: Amino Yoshihiko 網野善彦, *Chūsei o kangaeru: Shokunin to geinō* 『中世を考える: 職人と芸能』 Kobayashi Kazushige
Review of: Scott Clark, *Japan: A View from the Bath* Bauerle, Thomas
Review of: Horst Siegfried Hennemann, Chasho: *Geist und Geschichte der Theorien japanischer Teekunst* Ehmcke, Franziska
Review of: Izumi Ken 和泉健, *Onkai to Nihonjin: Wakayama-ken no warabe uta kenkyū* 『音階と日本人―和歌山県のわらべうた研究』 Groemer, Gerald
Review of: Jörg Bäcker, *Märchen aus der Mandschurei* Lindell, Kristina
Review of: Nguyen Dinh Tham, *Studies on Vietnamese Language and Literature: A Preliminary Bibliography* Marr, David G.
Review of: Damrong Tayanin, *Being Kammu: My Village, My Life* Mischung, Roland
Review of: Alice M. Terada, *The Magic Crocodile and Other Folktales from Indonesia* Wessing, Robert
Review of: Hans Fischer,* Geister und Menschen: Mythen, Märchen und neue Geschichten* Gesch, Patrick F.
Review of: Walther Heissig, *Oralität und Schriftlichkeit mongolischer Spielmannsdichtung* Knecht, Peter
Review of: Walther Heissig, *Heldenmärchen versus Heldenepos? Strukturelle Fragen zur Entwicklung altaischer Heldenmärchen* Knecht, Peter
Review of: Amelie Schenk, *Schamanen auf dem Dach der Welt: Trance, Heilung und Initiation in Kleintibet* Gaenszle, Martin
Review of: Ruth S. Freed and Stanley A. Freed, *Ghosts: Life and Death in North India* Sugimoto Yoshio
Review of: Natalia Lidova, *Drama and Ritual in Early Hinduism* Fitzgerald, Tim
Review of: Hasan El-Shamy, *Folk Traditions of the Arab World: A Guide to Motif Classification* Jason, Heda
Review of: Daniel Martin Varisco, *Medieval Agriculture and Islamic Science: The Almanac of a Yemeni Sultan* Hurreiz, Sayyid H.
Review of: Zhuang Kongshao, *The Dragon Boat Festival* Hasegawa Kiyoshi