AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 55 (2)
This volume contains 32 articles.
The Looks of Laozi Kohn, Livia
Religious Belief in a Buddhist Merchant Community, Nepal Lewis, Todd T.
The *Thây*: Masters in Huê, Vietnam Bertrand, Didier
“Stone Camels and Clear Springs”: The Salar’s Samarkand Origins Ma Jianzhong and Kevin Stuart
Type- and Motif-Indices 1980–1995: An Inventory Uther, Hans-Jörg
An Anthology of Sources on Chinese Mythology Lai, Whalen
Folklore under Political Pressure Szippl, Richard F.
Obituary: Francisco Radaza Demetrio (1920–1996) Madigan, Francis C.
Review of: Mihály Hoppál and Ádám Molnár, *Shaman: An International Journal for Shamanistic Research* Ōbayashi Taryō
Review of: John Miles Foley, *The Singer of Tales in Performance* Chan, Leo Tak-hung
Review of: Miyata Noboru 宮田登, Takada Mamoru 高田衛, *Namazu-e: Shinsai to Nihon bunka* 『鯰絵-震災と日本文化』 Suzuki Keiko
Review of: Marshall R. Pihl, *The Korean Singer of Tales* Wilson, Brian A.
Review of: Boudewijn Walraven, *Songs of the Shaman: The Ritual Chants of the Korean* mudang Kendall, Laurel
Review of: Livia Kohn, *Laughing at the Tao: Debates among Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval China* Baldrian-Hussein, Farzeen
Review of: Lucien Miller, *South of the Clouds: Tales from Yunnan* Lindell, Kristina
Review of: John Robert Shepherd, *Marriage and Mandatory Abortion among the 17th-century Siraya* Kasahara Masaharu
Review of: Zhu Liangwen,* The Dai or the Tai and Their Architecture and Customs in South China* Walker, Anthony R.
Review of: Klaus Koppe, *Mongolische Epen XII: Jula aldar Quyan und Uyan mönggun qadayasun* Avakiants, Galina
Review of: Esther Jacobson, *The Deer Goddess of Ancient Siberia: A Study in the Ecology of Belief* Fujikawa Shigehiko
Review of: Patricia Moore-Howard, *The Iu-Mien: Tradition and Change* Walker, Anthony R.
Review of: John Mundahl, Dave Moore, and Yee Chang, *A Free People: Our Stories, Our Voices, Our Dreams* Walker, Anthony R.
Review of: Lorraine M. Gesick, *In the Land of Lady White Blood: Southern Thailand and the Meaning of History* Moribe Hajime
Review of: Tazim R. Kassam, *Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismāīlī Muslim Saint, Pīr Shams* Márkus-Takeshita, Kinga Ilona
Review of: Bernard Juillerat, *Œdipe chasseur: Une rnythologie du sujet en Nouvelle-Guinée* Kurita Hiroyuki
Review of: John A. Z’Graggen, *Creation through Death or Deception* Mitchell, Roger E.