AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 56 (1)
This volume contains 31 articles.
A Turkish Animal Poem by Aşik Ömer Macfie, A. L. and F. Macfie
Professional Storytelling in Modern China: A Case Study of the *Yangzhou Pinghua * Tradition Børdahl, Vibeke
Text and Talk: Classical Literary Tales in Traditional China and the Context of Casual Oral Storytelling Chan, Leo Tak-hung
Geomancy and the Environment in Premodern Taiwan Tsu, Timothy Y.
An Annotated *Chhara Punthi *: Nursery Rhymes from Bengal Sircar, Sanjay
The Polythetic Network of Tamil Folk Tales Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella
On the Extinction of the Japanese Wolf Knight, John
Review of: Ruth Finnegan, *Oral Poetry: Its Nature, Significance and Social Context* Shahed, Syed Mohammad
Review of: Wolfgang Mieder and George B. Bryan,* Proverbs in World Literature: A Bibliography* Mayer, David R.
Review of: Walter Scherf, *Das Märchenlexikon* Naumann, Nelly
Review of: Bartlett Jere Whiting, *When Evensong and Morrowsong Accord: Three Essays on the Proverb* Mayer, David R.
Review of: Sano Kenji 佐野賢治, Taniguchi Mitsugi 谷口貢, Nakagome Mutsuko 中込睦子, and Furuie Shinpei 古家信平, *Gendai minzokugaku nyūmon* 『現代民俗学入門』 Metevelis, Peter
Review of: Paul R. Katz, *Demon Hordes and Burning Boats: The Cult of Marshal Wen in Late Imperial Chekiang* Clart, Philip
Review of: Adolf Krayer, *Als der Osten noch fern war: Reiseerinnerungen aus China und Japan (1860–1869)* Blümmel, Maria-Verena
Review of: Ingo Nentwig, *Märchen der Völker Nordost-Chinas* Lindell, Kristina
Review of: Stephen F. Teiser, *The Scripture of the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism* Boucher, Daniel
Review of: J. Lawrence Witzleben, *“Silk and Bamboo” Music in Shanghai: The* Jiangnan Sizhu *Instrumental Ensemble Tradition* Groemer, Gerald
Review of: Damiana Eugenio, *Philippine Folk Literature: The Myths* Retherford, Robert
Review of: Gregory G. Maskarinec, *The Rulings of the Night: An Ethnography of Nepalese Shaman Oral Texts* Yamada Takako
Review of: Heidrun Brückner, Lothar Lutze, and Aditya Malik, *Flags of Fame: Studies in South Asian Folk Culture* Uchiyamada Yasushi
Review of: R. Srinivasan, *Aiyanar’s Domain: Political and Social Conditions and Attitudes in Tamil Folk Literature* Bhatnagar, Manju
Review of: Joanna Williams, *The Two-headed Deer: Illustrations of the Rāmāyana in Orissa* Flick, Jr., Hugh M.
Review of: Étienne Tiffou, *Hunza Proverbs* Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim