AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 57 (2)
This volume contains 31 articles.
Kejadian Manusia: An “histoire” of Malay/Semai Culture Contact Rawski, Frederick with Derus Knoon Ngah
Fasts, Feasts, and the Slovenly Woman: Strategies of Resistance among North Indian Potter Women Caughran, Neema
Sŏngha Sindang: The Tutelary Shrine of T’aeha Village, Ullŭng Island, Korea Grayson, James Huntley
The Magicality of the Hyena: Beliefs and Practices in West and South Asia Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim
Response of: Jason’s Review El-Shamy, Hasan
Response of: Naithani’s Review Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella
Review of: Juha Pentikäinen, *Shamanism and Culture* Bender, Mark
Review of: Hiraizumi Kiyoshi 平泉澄, *The Story of Japan: History from the Founding of the Nation to the Height of Fujiwara Prosperity* Metevelis, Peter
Review of: Nishiyama Matsunosuke, *Edo Culture: Daily Life and Diversions in Urban Japan, 1600–1868* Steele, M. William
Review of: Stephen Turnbull, *The Kakure Kirishitan of Japan: A Study of Their Development, Beliefs, and Rituals to the Present Day* Whelan, Christal
Review of: Li Shujiang and Karl W. Luckert., *Mythology and Folklore Hui, a Mulslim Chinese People* Riftin, Boris
Review of: Zhang Henshui, *Shanghai Express: A Thirties Novel* Bauer, Daniel J.
Review of: Walther Heissig, *Götter im Wandel. Gesammelte Aufsätze zum Synkretismus der mongolischen Volksreligion* Knecht, Peter
Review of: Gunnar Jarring, *The Moen Collection of Eastern Turki (New Uighur) Popular Poetry* Hahn, Reinhard F.
Review of: Andrea Schmitz, *Die Erzdhlung von Edige. Gehalt, Genese und Wirkung einer heroischen Tradition* Uray- Köhalmy, Käthe
Review of: James Jemut Masing, *The Coming of the Gods: An Iban Invocatory Chant (Timang Gawai Amat) of the BalehRiver Region, Sarawak* Metcalf, Peter
Review of: Edward O. Henry, *Chant the Names of God: Music and Culture in Bhojpuri-Speaking India* Pillai-Vetschera, Traude
Review of: Barbara Stoler Miller, *Love Song of the Dark Lord: Jayadeva’s G‡tagovinda* Flick, Jr., Hugh M.
Review of: Sumathi Ramaswamy, *Passions of the Tongue: Language Devotion in Tamil India, 1891–1970* Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, Gabriella
Review of: E. Varghese, *Applied Ethnobotany: A Case Study Among the Kharias of Central India* Changkija, Sapu
Review of: Jürgen Ehlers, *Die Natur in der Bildersprache des Š„hn„me* Márkus-Takeshita, Kinga Ilona