AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 60 (2)
This volume contains 23 articles.
Introduction Perry, John R.
From Iranian Myth to Folk Narrative: The Legend of the Dragon-Slayer and the Spinning Maiden in the Persian Book of the Kings Márkus-Takeshita, Kinga Ilona
Persian Popular Literature in the Qajar Period Marzolph, Ulrich
The Gender of the Trick: Female Tricksters and Male Narrators Mills, Margaret A.
Rostam’s Seven Trials and the Logic of Epic Narrative in the Shahnama Omidsalar, Mahmoud
Traces of Ancient Iranian Culture in Boysun District, Uzbekistan Rahmonī, Ravšan
The Persianization of Köroflu: Banditry and Royalty in ThreeVersions of the Köroflu *Destan* Wilks, Judith M.
Healing Practices among Yezidi Sheikhs of Armenia Arakelova, Victoria
Hunters’ Lore in Nuristan Degener, Almuth
Review of: Wolfgang Mieder and Deborah Holmes, *“Children and Proverbs Speak the Truth”: Teaching Proverbial Wisdom to Fourth Graders* Mayer, David R.
Review of: Beatrice K. Otto, *Fools are Everywhere: The Court Jester Around the World* Mayer, David R.
Review of: William W. Fitzhugh and Chisato O. Dubreuil, *Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People* Sjöberg, Katarina
Review of: Josef Kreiner, *Sources of Ryūkyūan History and Culture in European Collections* Wacker, Monika
Review of: Jörg Bäcker, *Mandschurische Göttinnen und iranische Teufel. Die Mandschu-Weltentstehungsmythen als Kultursynthesen* Heyne, F. Georg
Review of: Chao Gejin 朝戈金, *Kochuan shishi xue: Ranpile “Jiangge’er” chengshi jufa yanjiu* 『口傳史詩學: 冉皮勒馬 《講格爾》 程式句法研究』 Bender, Mark
Review of: Élisabeth Papineau, *Le jeu dans la Chine contemporaine: Mah-jong, jeu de go et autres loisirs* Kyburz, Josef A.
Review of: Meir Shahar, *Crazy Ji: Chinese Religion and Popular Literature* Kardos, Michsel A.
Review of: Wu Yiwen 呉一文 and Tan Dongping 覃東平, *Miaozu guge yu Miaozu lishi wenhua yanjiu* 『苗族古歌與苗族歴史文化研究』 Bender, Mark
Review of: Jill Oakes and Rick Riewe, *Spirit of Siberia: Traditional Life, Clothing, and Footwear* Knecht, Peter
Review of: Siraporn T. Nathalang, *Thai Folklore: Insights into Thai Culture* Anderson, Wanni Wibulswasdi
Review of: Herman Tieken, *Kāvya in South India: Old Tamil Cankam Poetry* Ferro-Luzzi, G. Eichinger