AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 62 (2)
This volume contains 21 articles.
Guest Editors’ Introduction: Revitalizing Japanese Folklore Schnell, Scott and Hashimoto Hiroyuki
Between Preservation and Tourism: Folk Performing Arts in Contemporary Japan Hashimoto Hiroyuki
Folktale Research After Yanagita: Development and Related Issues Kawamori Hiroshi
A Female Shaman’s Mind and Body, and Possession Kawamura Kunimitsu
On Cognitive Aspects of Rhetorical Time Reckoning: Metaphor and Image-Schema in Calendrical Divination in Okinawa Sensui Hidekazu
Review of: Richard E. Strassberg, *A Chinese Bestiary: Strange Creatures from the Guideways Through Mountains and Seas* Kardos, Michael A.
Review of: Carole Pegg, *Mongolian Music, Dance and Oral Narrative: Performing Diverse Identities* Tongeren, Mark van
Review of: Clifford Sather, *Seeds of Play, Words of Power: An Ethnographic Study of Iban Shamanic Chants* Uchibori Motomitsu
Review of: Alexander M. Dubianski, *Ritual and Mythological Sources of the Early Tamil Poetry* Ramanathan, Aru and Ezhilavan Ramanathan