AE / Volumes Asian Folklore Studies 63 (1)
This volume contains 20 articles.
Speaking with Spirits: The Hmong *Ntoo Xeeb* New Year Ceremony Hao Huang and Bussakorn Sumrongthong
Dreaming the Seven-Colored Flower: Eastern and Western Approaches to Dreams in Chinese Folk Literature Giskin, Howard
The Scorpion in Muslim Folklore Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim
Obituary: Lauri Honko (1932-2002). Harvilahti, Lauri
Obituary: Dai Buzhang Børdahl, Vibeke
Review of: Mark C. van Tongeren, *Overtone Singing: Physics and Metaphysics of Harmonics in East and West* Lee Tong Soon
Review of: Kim Chongho, *Korean Shamanism: The Cultural Paradox* Pettid, Michael J.
Review of: Thomas H. Slone, *One Thousand One Papua New Guinean Nights: Folktales from Wantok Newspaper* Mitchell, Roger E.
Review of: Qiron Adhikary, *Feminist Folktales from India; William Crooke and Pandit Ram Gharib Chaube, Folktales from Northern India* Gold, Ann Grodzins
Review of: M. V. Kamath and Kalindi Randeri, *Indian Names: From Classical to Contemporary (For People, Places and Products)* Jason, Heda and Alexander Tcherniak
Review of: Ramdas Lamb, *Rapt in the Name: The Ramnamis, Ramnam, and Untouchable Religion in Central India* Michael, S. M.