AE / Volumes Asian Ethnology 67 (2)
This volume contains 14 articles.
Editor's Introduction: Popular Religion and the Sacred Life of Material Goods in Contemporary Vietnam Kendall, Laurel
The One-Eyed God at the VietnamMuseum of Ethnology: The Story of a Village Conflict Nguyễn Văn Huy and Phạm Lan Hương
Three Goddesses in and out of Their Shrine Kendall, Laurel, Vũ Thị Thanh Tâm, and Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương
Amulets and the Marketplace Vũ Hồng Thuật
Sacred Object, Artifact, or Cultural Icon?: Displaying the *Xặng bók* Tree of the Thái People Võ Thị Thường
Yin Illness: Its Diagnosis and Healing within *Lên Đồng* (SpiritPossession) Rituals of the Việt Nguyễn Thị Hiền
The Revenge of the Object: Villagers andEthnographers in Ðồng Kỵ Village Tai, Hue-Tam Ho and Lê Hồng Lý
Judith T. Zeitlin, *The Phantom Heroine: Ghosts and Gender in Seventeenth-CenturyChinese Literature* Katherine Carlitz
Philip Taylor, ed. *Modernity and Re-enchantment: Religion in Post-revolutionaryVietnam* Karen Fjelstad
Philip Lutgendorf, *Hanuman’s Tale: The Messages of a Divine Monkey* Jeffrey Brackett