AE / Volumes Asian Ethnology 69 (1)
This volume contains 19 articles.
“The Woman Waylaid at the Well” or *Paṇaghaṭa-līlā*: An Indian Folk Theme Appropriated in Myth and Movies Heidi Pauwels
Vengeful Spirits or Loving Spiritual Companions?: Changing Views of Animal Spirits in Contemporary Japan Barbara Ambros
Performing Paradigms of Modern Rajput Masculinities: Men’s Songs to Rao Gopal Singh of Kharwa Melia Belli
Chaste Widows, Cunning Wives, and Amazonian Warriors: Imaging of Women in Tamil Oral Traditions Vijaya Ramaswamy
A Discussion on Nagasawa Sōhei's *Hayachine take kagura: Mai no shōchō to shakaiteki jissen* Terence Lancashire
Michael Dylan Foster.*Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yōkai* R. Keller Kimbrough
Mariko Asano Tamanoi, *Memory Maps: The State and Manchuria in Postwar Japan* Thomas David DuBois
Wilburn Hansen, *When Tengu Talk: Hirata Atsutane’s Ethnography of the Other World* Michael Dylan Foster
Mark W. MacWilliams, ed., *Japanese Visual Culture: Explorations in the World of Manga and Anime* Jolyon Baraka Thomas
Yang Erzeng, *The Story of Han Xiangzi: The Alchemical Adventures of a Daoist Immortal* Duncan M. Campbell
Reviews/Books/Southeast Asia
Robert W. Hefner, *Making Modern Muslims: The Politics of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia* Teuku Zulfikar
Robert Knox Dentan, *Overwhelming Terror: Love, Fear, Peace, and Violence among the Semai of Malaysia* Douglas P. Fry
Gabriele Alex, *Learning and Embodying Caste, Class and Gender: Patterns of Childhood in Rural Tamil Nadu* Coralynn V. Davis