AE / Volumes Asian Ethnology 69 (2)
This volume contains 21 articles.
Narrative, Genre, and Contextuality: The *Nüshu*-Transcribed Liang-Zhu Ballad in Rural South China Liu, Fei-wen
Sacred Dance at Sensōji: The Development of a Tradition Groemer, Gerald
The Social Contract and Symbolic Structure in Three Vietnamese Tales of the “Last Born” Tran, Quynh Ngoc Bui
Research Note
Philippine Sungka and Cultural Contact in Southeast Asia De Voogt, Alex
Tomoko Aoyama, *Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature* Cwiertka, Katarzyna J.
Christian Gohlert, *Die Verehrung von Wasserleichen und ihre Stellung im japanischen Volksglauben* Riessland, Andreas
Jean-Marc Abela and Mark Patrick McGuire/Sandra Roth and Carina Roth, *Shugendō Now/Where mountains fly* Rill, Bryan
Grace M. Cho, *Haunting the Korean Diaspora: Shame, Secrecy, and the Forgotten War* Soh, Chunghee Sarah
Laurel Kendall, *Shamans, Nostalgias, and the IMF: South Korean Popular Religion in Motion* Walraven, Boudewijn
Snying bo rgyal and R. Solomon Rino, *Deity Men: Reb Gong Tibetan Trance Mediums in Transition* Bender, Mark
Ashild Kolas and Monika P. Thowsen, *On the Margins of Tibet: Cultural Survival on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier* Tan, Gillian G.
Reviews/Books/Central Asia
Grégory Delaplace, *L’invention des morts. Sepultures, fantômes et photographies en Mongolie contemporaine* Munsi, Roger Vanzila
Reviews/Books/Southeast Asia
Anna Morcom, *Hindi Film Songs and the Cinema* Hoek, Lotte