AE / Volumes Asian Ethnology 75 (1)
This volume contains 28 articles.
Salvage and Salvation: Guest Editors’ Introduction Fountain, Philip, and Levi McLaughlin
Puripetal Force in the Charitable Field Benthall, Jonathan
*Sevā*, Hindutva, and the Politics of Post-Earthquake Relief and Reconstruction in Rural Kutch Bhattacharjee, Malini
Hard Lessons Learned: Tracking Changes in Media Presentations of Religion and Religious Aid Mobilization after the 1995 and 2011 Disasters in Japan McLaughlin, Levi
Religion and Reconstruction in the Wake of Disaster Feener, R. Michael, and Patrick Daly
Research Note
Debbie Lum, *Seeking Asian Female* Bishop, John Melville
Vikram Gandhi, *Kūmāré: The True Story of a False Prophet* Lindquist, Steven E.
The Sophia Hilton Foundation of Canada, Animation, Artwork, and Storytelling, *The Legend of Ponnivala* Monius, Anne E.
Mark Singleton and Ellen Goldberg, eds., *Gurus of Modern Yoga* Hauser, Beatrix
Fuyubi Nakamura, Morgan Perkins, and Olivier Krischer, eds., *Asia through Art and Anthropology: Cultural Translation Across Borders* Igarashi, Masumi
Robert M. Carmack, *Anthropology and Global History: From Tribes to the Modern World-System* Shankman, Paul
Jonathan H. X. Lee and Kathleen Nadeau, eds., *Asian American Identities and Practices: Folkloric Expressions in Everyday Life* Tangherlini, Timothy R.
Francesca R. Sborgi Lawson, *The Narrative Arts of Tianjin: Between Music and Language* Meeker, Lauren
Wilt L. Idema, *The Metamorphosis of Tianxian pei: Local Opera Under the Revolution (1949–1956)* Stock, Jonathan P. J.
Antoinette Elizabeth DeNapoli, *Real Sadhus Sing to God: Gender, Asceticism, and Vernacular Religion in Rajasthan* Kim, Hanna H.
Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton, eds. and trans., *The Rigveda* (3 volume set) Smith, Frederick M.
Albertus Bagus Laksana, *Muslim and Catholic Pilgrimage Practices: Explorations Through Java* Coté, Joost
Mark J. Hudson, Ann-elise Lewallen, and Mark K. Watson, eds., *Beyond Ainu Studies: Changing Academic and Public Perspectives* Métraux, Daniel A.
Jonathan Stockdale, *Imagining Exile in Heian Japan: Banishment in Law, Literature, and Cult* Métraux, Daniel A.
Reviews/Books/Sri Lanka
Daniel Bass, *Everyday Ethnicity in Sri Lanka: Up-country Tamil Identity Politics* Jegathesan, Mythri
Peter Maguire and Mike Ritter, *Thai Stick: Surfers, Scammers, and the Untold Story of the Marijuana Trade* Kravanja, Boštjan