AE / Volumes Asian Ethnology 76 (1)
This volume contains 31 articles.
Editor's Introduction: Interpreting Sinitic Heritage Ethnography and Identity in China and Southeast Asia Anne E. McLaren
Recreating "Traditional" Folk Epics in Contemporary China: The Politics of Textual Transmission Anne E. McLaren and Emily Yu Zhang
Culture Paves the Way, Economics Comes to Sing the Opera: The Rhetoric of Chinese Folk Duets and Global Joint Ventures Levi S. Gibbs
Research, Cultural Heritage, and Ethnic Identity: Evaluating the Influence of Kam Big Song Research of the 1950s Catherine Ingram and Jiaping Wu
The Sinophone Roots of Javanese Nini Towong Margaret Chan
Jeff Roy, Director. *Mohammed to Maya* Walter Hakala
Tim Graf and Jakob Montrasio, Editors and Directors. *Buddhism after the Tsunami: The Souls of Zen 3/11 Japan Special* Benjamin Dorman
Raminder Kaur and Parul Dave-Mukherji, Editors. *Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalizing World* Gisa Jähnichen
Faye Yuan Kleeman. *In Transit: The Formation of the Colonial East Asian Cultural Sphere* Danton Leary
Regina F. Bendix, Aditya Eggert, and Arnika Peselmann, Editors. *Heritage Regimes and the State* Leah Lowthorp
Tiantian Zheng, Editor. *Cultural Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Asia* Anthony Shay
Elliot Oring. *Just Folklore: Analysis, Interpretation, Critique* Timothy R. Tangherlini
Mrinalini Chakravorty. *In Stereotype: South Asia in the Global Literary Imaginary* Narasingha P. Sil
Kama Maclean. *A Revolutionary History of Interwar India: Violence, Image, Voice and Text* Ishita Banerjee-Dube
Frank Heidemann and Philipp Zehmisch, editors. *Manifestations of History: Time, Space, and Community in the Andaman Islands* Carola Erika Lorea
Lakshmi Srinivas. *House Full: Indian Cinema and the Active Audience* Philip Lutgendorf
Andrew Duff. *Sikkim: Requiem for a Himalayan Kingdom* Kikee Doma Bhutia
Townsend Middleton. *The Demands of Recognition: State Anthropology and Ethnopolitics in Darjeeling* Nilamber Chhetri
Prabhavati C. Reddy. *Hindu Pilgrimage: Shifting Patterns of Worldview of Shri Shailam in South India* Leela Prasad
Carola Erika Lorea. *Folklore, Religion and the Songs of a Bengali Madman: A Journey between Performance and the Politics of Cultural Representation* Sukanya Sarbadhikary
R. Keller Kimbrough, Trans. with an Introduction. *Wondrous Brutal Fictions: Eight Buddhist Tales from the Early Japanese Puppet Theater* Satoko Shimazaki
Karl E. Ryavec. *A Historical Atlas of Tibet* A. C. McKay