AE / Volumes Asian Ethnology 78 (2)
This volume contains 25 articles.
Religion, Nature, and Life in the Sundarbans Sufia M. Uddin
Resistance versus Rebellion in a South Indian Oral Epic: Two Modes of Opposition to an Expansionist, Self-Aggrandizing, Grain-Dependent State Brenda E. F. Beck
Stretching into the Shadows: Unlikely Alliances, Strategic Syncretism, and De-Post-Colonizing Yogaland’s “Yogatopia(s)” Patrick McCartney
*Yamauba* and *Oni*-Women: Devouring and Helping Yamauba are Two Sides of the Same Coin Noriko Reider
Androgynous Pariahs: Gender Transformations and Politics of Culture in the North Indian Folk Theater "Svāṅg" Karan Singh
Research Note
Living like Chameleons: A Bedia Folk Performing Troupe from West Bengal Sumahan Bandyopadhyay
Review Essay
Racializing Diversity in Colonial Malaya and Indonesia Nathan Porath and Malee Sitthikriengkrai
*Urban Asias: Essays on Futurity Past and Present* (Tim Bunnell and Daniel P. S. Goh) Barbara Götsch
*Negotiating Rural Land Ownership in Southwest China: State, Village, Family* (Yi Wu) Sally Sargeson
*Farm to Fingers: The Culture and Politics of Food in Contemporary India* (Kiranmayi Bhushi) Benjamin Siegel
*Diaspora and Identity: Japanese Brazilians in Brazil and Japan* (Mieko Nishida) Hugo Martins Kebbe Silva
*Robo Sapiens Japanicus: Robots, Gender, Family and the Japanese Nation* (Jennifer Robertson) Daniel A. Métraux
*Age of Shōjo: The Emergence, Evolution, and Power of Japanese Fiction* (Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase) Daniel A. Métraux
Reviews/Southeast Asia
*The Traffic in Hierarchy: Masculinity and Its Others in Buddhist Burma* (Ward Keeler) Matthew Walton
Reviews/South Korea
*Korea and the Western Drumset: Scattering Rhythms* (Simon Barker) Nathan Hesselink
*Elusive Belonging: Marriage Immigrants and “Multiculturalism” in Rural South Korea* (Minjeong Kim) Paul Capobianco