AE / Volumes Asian Ethnology 78 (1)
This volume contains 37 articles.
Editors' Introduction Benjamin Dorman and Frank J. Korom
Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue: Religious Authority in East Asia: Materiality, Media and Aesthetics Erica Baffelli and Jane Caple
Devotion in Flesh and Bone: The Mummified Corpses of Mount Yudono Ascetics in Edo- Period Japan Andrea Castiglioni
Religiously Inspired Charitable Organizations (RICOs) and Their Quest for Religious Authority and Recognition in Contemporary China Caroline Fielder
More than Just a Photo?: Aura Photography in Digital Japan Ioannis Gaitanidis
“This Is Not a Powerspot”: Heritage Tourism, Sacred Space, and Conflicts of Authority at Sēfa Utaki Aike P. Rots
Research Note
The Ethnic Identity of Turkmenistan’s Baloch Petr Kokaisl, Pavla Kokaislová
*Religions as Brands: New Perspectives on the Marketization of Religion and Spirituality* (Jean-Claude Usunier and Jörg Stolz, eds.) Patrick McCartney
*The World in Guangzhou: Africans and Other Foreigners in South China’s Global Marketplace* (Gordon Mathews with Linessa Dan Lin and Yang Yang) Paul Capobianco
*Shanghai Sacred: The Religious Landscape of a Global City* (Benoît Vermander, Liz Hingley, and Liang Zhang, eds.) Adam Yuet Chau
*Social Media in South India: Why We Post* (Shriram Venkatraman) Arvind Rajagopal
*Feeding A Thousand Souls: Women, Ritual, and Ecology in India; An Exploration of the Kōlam* (Vijaya Nagarajan) Katie Lazarowicz
*Women, Religion and the Body in South Asia: Living with Bengali Bauls* (Kristin Hanssen) Carola Erika Lorea
*Promiscuous Media: Film and Visual Culture in Imperial Japan, 1926–1945* (Hikari Hori) Charles Exley
*Soka Gakkai’s Human Revolution: The Rise of a Mimetic Nation in Modern Japan* (Levi McLaughlin) Ian Reader
*Shinto: A History* (Helen Hardacre) Peter Knecht
Reviews/South Asia
*Maithil Women’s Tales: Storytelling on the Nepal-India Border* (Coralynn V. Davis) Michele Ruth Gamburd
*The Musical Gift: Sonic Generosity in Post-War Sri Lanka* (Jim Sykes) Michele Ruth Gamburd
Reviews/Southeast Asia
Reviews/South Korea
*Broken Voices: Postcolonial Entanglements and the Preservation of Korea’s Central Folksong Traditions* (Roald Maliangkay) Hilary Vanessa Finchum-Sung